Geriatric Care Manager Assessment Tools

A geriatric care manager is a health specialist who establishes care programs for elderly individuals. The geriatric care manager has knowledge of several different aspects of eldercare, including nursing, gerontology, social work and psychology. His specialty relates to aging and eldercare. Before taking on a client, the geriatric care manager does an assessment of her needs and determines what she is capable of. This assessment provides a basis for the geriatric care manager to set up a plan of care for the elderly person.
  1. Physical Capability Evaluation

    • One assessment tool used by a geriatric care manager is an evaluation of the client's physical capabilities, including his mobility and his ability to function in the home. For instance, the geriatric care manager tests how far the client can move around without assistance and notes whether he needs any support to move around. The geriatric care manager also takes into account factors such as the sorts of tasks the client can successfully complete without assistance and any assistance he requires, if any.

    Client's Mental and Emotional Status Gauge

    • A review of a client's mental and emotional status serves as another assessment tool. A geriatric care manager looks at the mental acuity of the client, including memory power. He examines factors such as whether the client can make appropriate decisions and care for herself on a day-to-day basis; for instance, he notices if she can decide on a menu for the day or choose what to wear. A geriatric manager evaluates a client's ability to manage her finances on her own. Moreover, if the patient has Alzheimer's, or another type of dementia, the geriatric care manager also assesses her cognitive brain function.

    Social Support Network Assessment

    • A strong social support network enhances the quality of life of an elderly person. A geriatric care manager assesses the client's ability to interact with family and friends. The geriatric care manager also considers if the client participates in any social activities.

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