Admission Rules for Nursing Homes in Texas
Establish the form of payment. Before being admitted to live in a nursing home facility in Texas, the elderly patient and his family must present an adequate form of payment. Several examples of the types of payments nursing homes in Texas accept are as follows: Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, and private managed care. A statewide average for nursing home care is between $70,000 and $205,000 annually, less the amount you can receive coverage for.
Make a down payment. On your approval of admittance into a nursing home, you will be asked for a down payment. Typically, this amount will be the cost of 2 months' stay at the nursing home. You are asked to pay this as a security deposit, because the nursing homes make special arrangements and pay fees to cover your stay; this policy ensures that no money is lost on their part.
Medical History
Provide the nursing home with your medical history. Before being admitted into a nursing home, you need to provide the staff with your medical information, such as past and present health problems, any surgeries or extensive treatments you have undergone, allergies, any diagnostic testing or x-rays you have undergone, and your general health and daily activities.
Supply a list of your current medications. This will help the staff keep your medications accurate, so you will not miss a dose. You will be required to list the medications on paper, along with the reason for taking them.
Contact List
Provide a list of your current physicians and relatives or friends. This will aid the staff in contacting someone in case of an emergency. This list must be presented before admission is granted. Include full names, addresses, and phone numbers.
Living Will
Complete a document or living will. Before admission is granted into the nursing home, a will or document stating how any decisions on your behalf will be handled if you are unable to make them for yourself. Most of the time, these documents are prepared as a living will or power of attorney. They are signed and notarized by a legal professional and are legally binding in the event that you are incapable of decision making. If the listed person or persons are no longer living, it will be the responsibility of your nearest relative to make these decisions.