Government Grants for Disabled Seniors
HUD Supportive Housing
Low-income disabled elderly persons can receive funding to remodel their homes from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). However, applicants must be sponsored by a nonprofit organization. Often your Public Housing Agency or bank can guide you to appropriate organizations. The website has listings for local Public Housing Agencies. When applying, you must provide financial information detailing low income. Applicants must have 0.5% of the total money granted.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC 20410
Home Remodeling
State agencies and nonprofit organizations and foundations often allocate funds for elderly disabled people to modify their homes. In Texas, "The NeighborWorks Network" distributes funds for Texas residents. Illinois allocated $2 million of its 2010 budget as grant money for disabled home improvements. In many cases, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is an invaluable resource for grants that are available locally to the elderly disabled.
NeighborWorks Network
1325 G St., NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005-3100
State and Local Agencies
Government allocates quite a lot of money to help disabled seniors. However, these government grants must be applied for in conjunction with a nonprofit organization that fits the government's strict criteria of status. Rare is the occasion when federal money is granted to an individual directly. Once you are in league with a qualifying organization, they can apply on your behalf. The biggest clearing house of government grants in the U.S. is the Catalog of Grants and Funding (
Other useful resources to find grants and organizations that may help include:,, and