Workplace Health & Safety Practices for Aged Care
Risk assessments should be in place. The elderly care setting must have a set of health and safety policies. These should relate to issues such as: bathing, administration of medication, and safe use of mobilization equipment. In addition to this, risk assessments should be in place for all residents. These should include: mobility, pressure area care and nutrition. Staff should be aware of the policies and safe practices and they should receive appropriate training in fire procedures and safe moving and handling.
Particular Risks
Though many elderly people are healthy and fit, the aged care workplace will have to deal with particular risk factors. Some elderly people are frail and have mobility problems. This increases the risk of falls. In elderly people with osteoporosis (brittle bones), the chances of fractures are higher. Some older people have sensory impairment, and this may increase risk, perhaps in misjudging distances and not seeing obstacles. An absence of clutter is essential in elderly care settings.
Reporting and Recording
It is essential that all accidents and changes in the condition of residents, are appropriately reported and recorded. These records are important, if later litigation occurs. Records of accidents can also form a useful basis for analyzing patterns of accidents. An example of this would be finding that more accidents happen at a particular time of day. All staff should receive training on recording and reporting.