Missouri Veterans Benefits
If you or your spouse was injured during active duty, you may be eligible for monetary compensation. To receive this benefit, file a claim for a service-connected disability, regardless of whether you were hurt as a result of direct combat. Your current income and net worth do not factor into your eligibility for injury compensation. If your disability claim is approved and the Veteran's Administration rates your disability at 10 percent or higher, you will receive this compensation.
Veterans may be eligible for a pension depending upon the amount of time they spent active in the military, among other factors. Pensions are income-based and require you to have spent 90 days in active military duty prior to 1980 or two years in active military duty after 1980. In either case, at least one day of your military service must have been officially declared war time. Pension is, again, income-based, and you must fall within the guidelines for monthly income and net worth to receive this benefit. In addition, you must be over 65 years old or in a nursing home, or be permanently disabled (disabled veterans of any age are eligible). In all cases, you must have been honorably discharged from the U.S. military.
Health Care Benefits
Some veterans are entitled to certain health care benefits, including free medical care and prescriptions from the Veteran's Administration health care system. Both service connected veterans and many non-service connected veterans may be eligible. To receive this benefit, submit VA form 10-10EZ to your Missouri veteran service officer or to the VA medical center in your district.