About Folding Travel Scooters
Target Users
Folding travel scooters are designed for people who have limited mobility, but not for people who use a wheelchair on a regular basis. Unlike power wheelchairs, which can accommodate people who rely on a wheelchair every day, travel scooters are not for people who cannot transfer themselves to and from the scooter or who may develop sores from light cushioning. Instead, travel scooters are built for basic scooter functions and maximum travel convenience.
Weight and Disassembly
The weight range for a mobility scooter is typically around 50 to 100 pounds, although many folding travel scooters disassemble into several different pieces, each of which weighs around 30 pounds or less. Folding travel scooters may have limited storage space, battery life and drive capabilities in order to minimize the weight as much as possible and allow easy disassembly and lifting.
Weight Capacity
A major difference between power wheelchairs and mobility scooters is in their weight capacity. Most folding travel scooters can hold around 300 pounds of weight, although some of the smaller, lighter models may hold as little as 225 pounds.
Battery Power Range
All folding travel scooters are battery operated, like power wheelchairs, but usually have a smaller battery and thus a shorter mile range expected from a fully charged battery. Travel scooters can typically travel around 8 to 9 miles on a single charge, as opposed to power wheelchairs, which often have a larger battery and may be able to travel up to 25 miles per hour.
Swivel Seats
Folding travel scooters with swivel seats not only give the user more comfort and flexibility, but make transfer to and from the scooter easier from a variety of angles. Some scooters have fixed seats, while other provide seats that swivel. Additional options, such as a basket or armrests, also come on some models but not others, so shop around for the features you want most.
As of 2010, you can expect to pay anywhere from $750 to $2000 for a mobility scooter, although more expensive models exist. While you might pay several thousand dollars for the top of the line folding scooter, travel scooters are still much cheaper than power wheelchairs, which start in the several thousand dollar range. Check with your insurance provider prior to purchase to find out if a travel scooter may be covered by your policy.