Directions for Using a Hoyer Lift
Postioning the Sling
Position the lift sling underneath the patient to be moved.
To position the sling, roll the patient on his right ride and roll up the right side of the sling. Gently use your fingertips to push the rolled portion of the sling just underneath the patient's back and buttocks. The unrolled portion lies flat on the bed where the patient would be if he were lying on his back.
Move to the other side of the bed and gently roll the patient onto his left side, revealing the rolled-up sling, allowing you to unroll it so that it lays flat. Once the entire sling is lying flat underneath the patient, carefully roll him over on his back.
Attaching the Sling Hooks
Roll the lift so that the base is as far as it can be underneath the patient's bed and lock the wheels so that the unit does not accidentally move during the transfer.
Lower the lifting mechanism so that it can reach the patient by pressing the release button on the unit.
Attach the respective sling hooks to the metal hooks on the lift. The bottom right sling hook will attach to the left lift hook, and the bottom left sling hook will attach to the right lift hook. The top sling hooks will attach to the lift hook according to the side they're located on--the top right sling hook attaches to the right lift hook, and the left sling hook to the left lift hook. This will create a sling that properly and comfortably supports your patient.
Transferring the Patient
Once the patient is lifted an inch or two above the bed, turn his body toward you so that his legs dangle off the side of the bed surface. Carefully turn him so that he faces the lift, then unlock the wheels so that you may move the lift to the wheelchair. Slowly position the lift over the seat of the wheelchair, making sure the wheelchair's wheels are locked.
Lower the patient into the wheelchair by slowly pressing the release button. When your patient reaches the wheelchair's seat, approach him and carefully remove the hooks from the lift. If your patient is unable to support his back well, be sure to secure him in the chair before leaving him. Unlock the wheelchair wheels and transport the patient to his destination. Leave the sling positioned beneath him until he is ready to return to his bed, where you will re-attach the hooks and lift him back into his bed to rest.