How to Donate a Bariatric Power Wheelchair
Things You'll Need
- Lightly used power wheelchair
Examine and test your power wheelchair to ensure that it is in excellent working condition and runs well under all reasonable conditions and circumstances.
Check the age of your electric wheelchair, since some wheelchair donation services prefer to accept only power wheelchairs that are less than 3 years old or have been only lightly used.
Examine the exterior of the electric wheelchair for any wear and tear to the surface, such as scratches or tears in the seating, and repair or replace cushions, handles or other cosmetic parts that are not intact.
Replace any cushions that have been customized to fit one person's physical needs with the factory standard cushions if available, and make detailed notes of any features of the bariatric power wheelchair that have been customized to report with your donation.
Make a detailed list of any additional repairs or replacements that may be necessary-- particularly batteries, wheels or cushions--to deliver with your wheelchair donation to organizations that also provide repair and refurbishment services in addition to distribution of second-hand wheelchairs.
Create an accurate description of your electric wheelchair, including the age, condition, parts and features, list price and any other relevant information, and take a picture of the wheelchair before you donate.
Search for local, regional and national organizations that accept power wheelchair donations, such as Alternatives in Motion, United Cerebral Palsy, Wheels for the World, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, and obtain their specific guidelines for wheelchair donation.
Set up an appointment for an organization representative to confirm the condition of your electric wheelchair and to pick up your wheelchair donation, since most organizations will arrange home pick-up service at the donor's convenience.
List your power wheelchair on a mobility equipment exchange forum like LifeNets if you are unable to find a suitable donation agency in your local area and would like to network directly with possible wheelchair donation recipients.
Maintain an accurate record of your donation and ask for a receipt from the donation organization to ensure that your wheelchair donation is tax deductible.