Senior Citizens Health Benefits in New Jersey
Assisted Living
Assisted living facilities in New Jersey are licensed by the Department of Health and Senior Services. They provide around-the-clock health and personal services to senior citizens who have trouble caring for themselves. The level of care provided by assisted living homes fills the gap between independent living and nursing home care. One staff member is awake at all times at the facility, and a certified nurse is always on call. Assisted living facilities in New Jersey provide apartments with private bathrooms and kitchenettes.
Home-Delivered Meals Expansion Program
The New Jersey State Division of Aging and Community Services provides Home-Delivered Meal Expansion Program as decided by the federal Older American Act. This program entails that at least one hot meal be provided each weekday to older individuals (60 years of age or older) who are unable to leave their homes due to a debilitating injury or illness. Spouses or civil union partners of these individuals are also provided meals if it is deemed necessary by the Division of Aging and Community Services. Under New Jersey state legislation, nutrition services are also provided to eligible individuals on holidays and weekends.
Medicare Coverage
Senior citizens in New Jersey are eligible for Original Medicare coverage, which provides hospital and medical insurance. In general, senior citizens can choose to go to any doctor, hospital or medical specialist that Medicare covers. However, monthly medical insurance premiums are required, and are usually taken out of retirement pay. A hospital and medical insurance deductible are also required before Medicare begins assisting in paying for health care costs. While Medicare takes care of 80 percent of covered medical expenses, senior citizens are required to pay a 20 percent coinsurance.
New Jersey also offers senior citizens private Medigap insurance, which was created to help pay coinsurance and deductible costs for hospital and medical insurance under Original Medicare. Although the 12 different Medigap policies offered can help fill gaps in Medicare, a premium is required along with monthly medical insurance Medicare premiums.
Drug Coverage
Medicare also provides prescription drug coverage to senior citizens in New Jersey, although the coverage is actually run by private companies with Medicare-approved plans. To be eligible for the program, senior citizens must be enrolled in a Medicare medical insurance plan. Also, if they do not sign up for the drug coverage when they are first eligible, a penalty may be enforced. Once accepted, monthly premiums are required.