What is Covered by Medicare Part B?
Physician Services
One of the most important aspects of Medicare Part B is the coverage of physician services. Your actual hospital stay is covered under Medicare Part A, but if you do not have Part B, you will be liable for 100 percent of any charges payable to the physician(s) who performed services on you. If you have Part B, you will be liable for only 20 percent of reasonable costs as coinsurance.
Home Health Care
Home health care is also covered under Medicare Part B. Necessary and reasonable intermittent skilled nursing care is covered, as is durable medical equipment. This aftercare, which is often essential to full recovery, includes physical therapy, occupational therapy and/or speech pathology.
Many crucial tests are covered under Medicare Part B, including MRIs, CT scans, X-rays and EKGs.
One of the major benefits of Medicare Part B is that it covers dialysis--at home or in a medical facility. Medicare Part B takes care of this cost as well as any further action, such as a transplant.
Covered transplant surgeries include those regarding the kidney, pancreas, intestine and liver. Heart transplants are covered, as are any immunosuppressive drugs that are needed.
Preventive Services
One of the more broad categories covered by Medicare Part B is preventive services. These include cardiovascular screenings, diabetes screenings, flu shots, glaucoma tests, mammogram screenings, Pap smears and prostate cancer screenings.