About Lightweight Transport Chairs
Lightweight transport wheelchairs are designed for use in crowds and in other public areas that require fast walking or extended foot travel. Generally, they are for use by people who do not normally use a wheelchair, but may become tired from walking too far. They are not intended for regular use, but rather occasional trips when you need a break or when you will not be able to keep up with other people.
Lightweight transport chairs are designed for travel. They fold up easily and fit in the trunks of most cars. They are also easy to carry, because they tend to weigh less than twenty-five pounds. They have smaller wheels than conventional wheel chairs and cannot be rolled by the person sitting in the chair.
A lightweight transport chair is the perfect solution for someone who can walk, but moves quite slowly. They can help you make a flight on time, enable you to enjoy trips outside to places like the zoo or even amusement parks with your family and nearly eliminate a lack of mobility. Even better, they are relatively inexpensive compared to conventional wheelchairs, and you will not really be giving up your mobility but rather expanding the places that you can go and enjoy.
When you purchase a lightweight transport wheelchair, remember that you are not getting the same type of vehicle as you would if you bought a traditional wheelchair. These chairs will roll over any surface, but if you use them daily they will wear out relatively quickly, particularly if you use them on gravel or other rough surfaces. If you are buying a chair for regular, daily and extended use, you should consider investing in a hardier wheelchair.
Many people resist using lightweight transport chairs because they feel that if they "cave" on this issue and allow themselves to be pushed around in a wheelchair even occasionally, they will be sacrificing their independence. However, this is simply untrue. Remember, a transport chair is not meant for daily use, so even if you wanted to just be rolled around all the time your lightweight transport chair would not do the trick. Lightweight transport chairs expand your area and your independence rather than limiting them.
Because you cannot roll a lightweight transport chair on your own, you need to make sure you have a trustworthy person pushing you. Particularly if the terrain is rough or hilly, you should never allow a child to push your chair. Should the vehicle roll out of control, you and your pusher could be seriously injured or even killed.