How to Rent a Wheelchair
Consider where you'll be using the wheelchair. The wheelchair that you rent for home use may not be the one that you need for a camping trip or at a theme park. Knowing where you'll be using the wheelchair can help you rent one that is adapted to the use.
Keep in mind the physical limitations of the individual who will be using the wheelchair. Some individuals may not be able to push their own wheelchair and might need either someone to help them or a motorized one. If you have your own wheelchair and need one to fill in, look for one as close to your normal one as you can find.
Decide whether you want or need a manual wheelchair or a motorized scooter. Consider the distance that you'll be covering and what feel comfortable with. Some people may find motorized scooters better for large theme parks, but you need to be able to work the machine.
Check the yellow pages for wheelchair rentals or contact your doctor. Try searching under headings like "Medical Equipment" or "Hospital Equipment" in addition to "Wheelchairs." If you want the wheelchair for local use, contact your doctor or local hospital for information on where to rent equipment.
Call the resort or theme park directly. In some cases, you may find that the resort has wheelchairs on site for guests to use. They may also be able to arrange for a wheelchair rental or have recommendations of places to call.