How to Buy a Used Wheelchair
Make sure that the person who plans to use the used wheelchair fits the size limitations of the chair. Each wheelchair has size limitations and most new wheelchairs are customized for the intended rider.
Look for used wheelchairs sold through reputable organizations. Hospitals, rehabilitation centers and groups that cater to people with disabilities are good sources for used wheelchairs because they follow standards for the resale of used chairs. Avoid wheelchairs posted in classified advertisements or on eBay if no pictures or detailed information are offered.
Observe the price of a used wheelchair. Know the retail value of the wheelchair models that interest you so you can compare the price with that of the used model. A fair price for a quality used wheelchair should fall into a range between $1,000 and $2,000.
Consider the age of a used wheelchair. Don't purchase a used wheelchair that is over 5 years old. After that time, a chair depreciates considerably due to excessive use and the chance for breakdowns is greatly increased. If you do purchase an older chair, only spend a few hundred dollars and realize the odds of buying replacement parts are high.
Inspect the overall condition of the used wheelchair. Inspect the battery and the battery compartment of a power wheelchair for corrosion and excessive dirt build-up. The upholstery of a used wheelchair should be free of tears, stains or permanent imprints. The wheelchair frame should not have bends and should be free from excessive scuffs.