How to Become an Advocate for the Elderly

As the senior population continues to grow, many elderly people need some type of assistance or support. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the special needs of this population segment. Use the information listed below to learn how to become an advocate for the elderly.


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      Search for volunteer opportunities online. Try visiting your community's government website and look for agencies geared toward the elderly. Contact them and ask how you can get involved.

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      Contact your local Area Agency on Aging. They can provide you with additional information on organizations and events for the elderly in your community. Contact these organizations and offer to volunteer your time or money to help them achieve their goals.

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      Make your voice heard. Write letters to your state and city government officials or submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Express your concerns for the elderly and reasons why you feel more people need to take action and advocate for them.

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      Start a blog online. Use it as a tool to show others the importance of advocacy.

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      Talk to others in your community and ask for their support. Ask business owners to donate their services to the elderly or offer them at a discounted price. Attorneys can provide pro bono or reduced fee legal services. Lawn and garden companies can offer landscaping and yard maintenance assistance. Restaurant owners can donate meals once a week to the local Meals on Wheels program.

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      Visit nursing homes and medical facilities and talk to employees about how to properly care for the elderly. It's vital that health care workers understand what elder abuse and neglect are and how to prevent them.

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