How to Get Respite Care in Birmingham, Alabama
Ask your family member's doctor to recommend a respite care provider or give you a list of them.
Attend a meeting of a support group for caregivers. Support group members are likely to be able to recommend a respite care provider.
Research respite care options on the Internet at sites like Silver Census ( and Alabama Respite (, which list respite care providers in the Birmingham area and the type of care each one provides.
Make a note of any providers you want to investigate further, based on recommendations and your Internet research. Some websites have a form for requesting information.
Gather together information that providers are likely to request when you talk to them. You need basic identification information, as well as medical information, about the person who needs care. If insurance covers any of the cost, you need the company name and policy number. You need to know how often and how much respite care your family member needs.
Make a list of information you want to request from the providers. For example, you might request a list of references, ask whether in-home care is an option, or ask whether they provide meals. If you only need respite care occasionally, you might ask how much notice they need.
Meet with the providers either over the phone or in person. Be sure to take notes.
Organize and review your notes after talking to the providers.
Decide which respite care provider to use. Let your family member be part of the decision, if possible.
Contact the provider you decide to use. Keep your notes in case you need to change providers later.