How to Find a Private Care Giver in Huntsville, Ala.
Ask a physician. Your loved one's physician may have private caregivers he recommends. Ask him or his nurse to provide referrals. If your loved one currently does not live in the Huntsville area, but is planning to relocate, ask your personal physician in Huntsville for caregiver recommendations.
Check with the Council on Aging. The Huntsville-Madison County Council on Aging provides a directory of senior services in the community. The directory includes a section with 15 caregiver service providers under the "Non-medical home health agencies" listings, as well as home health agencies.
Check with the senior center. The Huntsville-Madison County Senior Center offers a variety of services to senior citizens. Stop by the center at 2200 Drake Ave., or call 256-880-7080 to ask about private caregiver recommendations. In addition, the center offers adult day care services that may meet your needs.
Check classified ads. Search classified ads in "The Huntsville Times" to locate those advertising private caregiver services. Arrange interviews in a public place. Verify references and check credentials on any applicants. Check with the Huntsville Police Department Records Division at 256-427-7020 to verify that anyone you are considering for the job does not have a criminal record.