What Types of Medical Specialists Treat the Elderly?
Geriatric Nursing
Nurses provide care to patients in a variety of medical settings, including the hospital, nursing homes, doctor's offices and home care. Nurses who have a particular interest in the geriatric population often work in nursing homes and assistive living facilities. Although advanced training in geriatrics is often acquired on the job, there are advanced academic programs available to nurses as well. A master's degree in geriatrics results in eligibility for certification as a geriatric nurse practitioner (GNP). The GNP is able to work independently, prescribe medicine and provide care for patients with age-related health issues.
Geriatric Medicine
Family practice and internal medicine physicians provide medical services to individuals across their lifespan, including the elderly population. Some physicians choose to obtain further training and become geriatricians and focus their care on senior citizens. These physicians typically manage the overall health of their patients including routine check-ups and medical management of chronic diseases. There are also physicians who specialize in the treatment of the elderly within another specialty area. These include geriatric psychiatrists, cardiovascular and pulmonary specialists and doctors who treat organ-specific issues like renal disease.
Geriatric Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation professionals like physical, occupational and speech therapists are trained to work with patients across their lifespan. Some therapists decide to focus their treatment to a specific age group like geriatrics. These therapists are often found in rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes and home care. Physical therapists can also obtain further certification as a geriatric certified specialist (GCS) through their professional organization after advanced study and an additional board exam. Other health care providers like chiropractors and acupuncturists may provide care that is tailored to the elderly population as well.
Community Health Services
Gerontologists are professionals who work in different aspects of health-related services provided to the elderly population. They are often employed by community agencies and provide advocacy services, nutritional instruction, exercise and wellness programs, and day care services for people who need additional supervision during the day. Although these individuals are not part of mainstream health care, the services they offer address lifestyle issues that directly impact the health of the geriatric population.