How to Give Geriatric Care
Assess the needs of the elderly person, focusing not only on her physical needs, but also her psychological, social, intellectual and spiritual needs. Consider the amount of help she already receives and ask her how she feels about this or any additional help. According to Maslow's Hierarchy, a person's self-esteem needs are also important. For many elderly people, the fear of loss of independence can be a worry and an obstacle to care. Involve the elderly person as much as possible in her care planning.
Research all the local facilities. Some areas have a wealth of programs and projects run by church or other groups. They may offer facilities such as social meetings, shopping or help with home and garden maintenance. Assess the level of support the elderly person's family or friends supply and consider the shortfall. Consider private heath or home care to bridge any gaps in care.
Assess the local residential health or elderly care facilities if this is appropriate. If the elderly person is confused, worried about his safety or prone to falls, it may be time to arrange a more robust level of care. Some elderly people may be happier in a facility that offers supervision but where their independence is still maintained. Consult the elderly person at every stage.
Consider the nutrition needs of the elderly person. This issue may become neglected as he struggles to shop and cook for himself. A poor state of nutrition can lead to other health problems. Review his medication as needs can change and some older people may be taking incorrect amounts of medication. Take him to his physician for a health check at regular intervals.