Uses of Disabled Scooters
Mobility scooters allow people who have a hard time getting around to do so with greater ease. Scooters range in shape and size, depending on what you need them for. There are models meant for home, for outdoors, and even for travel. They can be used to accomplish everyday tasks, as well as some tasks you may not have considered.-
The most obvious use of a mobility scooter is at home, at the office or a home office. Mobility scooters that are meant for flat terrain and that are larger and more comfortable are generally the ones that you want for home and office. This is because most office jobs require sitting in one place for long periods of time. If your job requires you to sit still for stretches of time, a scooter meant for long-term comfort will serve you best.
Certain mobility scooters are smaller and easy to take apart, and are intended for vacations. Some scooters can be disassembled into as many as five smaller pieces, which makes the scooter easier to stow in a car trunk or for airline and train travel. These scooters generally come with a basket for shopping, as well. Though they may not be as large, padded or comfortable as mobility scooters meant for home and office use, they are more portable and the smaller size makes them easier for using in public.
Many retailers have scooters for use at the front of their stores for those who may need them to shop. These all have baskets, some of which are quite large, to hold the groceries as you shop. These mobility scooters range in size, speed and comfort. You can also bring your own scooter to the store. Smaller scooters work well for shopping, especially if the store has narrow aisles. Just be sure that the scooter has a large enough basket for the amount of items you need. If not, use one of the store-provided mobility scooters instead.
Walking the Dog
This may seem like an odd use for a mobility scooter, but it does happen. Dogs need to be walked, and people that find long distances challenging to walk can use a mobility scooter to walk the dog. Older models that go very slowly may not be best, but newer models with faster speeds can more than keep up with an intermediate pace. The only caveat is to make sure that the leash does not get tangled up in the scooter's handlebars or wheels.