Is there a site that you can get list of ADA procedure codes?
1. Go to the ADA website at
2. In the search bar, type "ADA procedure codes."
3. Click on the link for "ADA Procedure Codes and Descriptions."
4. You will be taken to a page with a list of ADA procedure codes.
The list of ADA procedure codes is organized by category. You can click on a category to see a list of the procedure codes in that category. Each procedure code is listed with a description, a fee schedule, and a link to the full text of the code.
The ADA procedure codes are used by dentists to bill for their services. The fee schedule for each code is based on the average cost of providing the service. The full text of each code provides detailed instructions on how to perform the service.
If you have any questions about ADA procedure codes, you can contact the ADA at 1-800-621-8099.