What to do if you need go the bathroom during a lockdown?
Step 1: Remain calm and avoid panicking.
Step 2: Identify the nearest bathroom: In a lockdown situation, it's important to quickly locate the closest and most accessible bathroom. Prioritize safety by choosing a restroom within the immediate vicinity.
Step 3: Assess the surroundings: Before entering the restroom, carefully observe your surroundings. Be aware of any potential threats or suspicious activities. If you sense danger or feel unsafe, seek help from authorities.
Step 4: Lock the bathroom door: Once inside the bathroom, ensure your privacy and safety by locking the door. Check if the door has a working lock and consider placing an "Occupied" sign or barrier outside to deter anyone from attempting to enter.
Step 5: Stay calm and mindful of time: Use the bathroom facilities as necessary. Be mindful of time, as prolonged stays can attract unwanted attention. Remain vigilant and keep your senses alert to any unusual sounds or movements outside.
Step 6: Hygiene and sanitation: Prioritize hygiene and sanitation during your bathroom break. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, paying close attention to the palms, fingertips, and nails. If there's no soap available, use hand sanitizer. Avoid touching unnecessary surfaces.
Step 7: Stay inconspicuous: Avoid creating unnecessary commotion or noise while inside the bathroom. Keep your movements quiet and refrain from making loud sounds that could attract attention. Stay low and remain aware of your surroundings.
Step 8: Exit swiftly and quietly: Once you've finished, leave the bathroom promptly and discreetly. Avoid unnecessary interactions or conversations with others outside. Be observant and ensure that the coast is clear before exiting.
Step 9: Wash hands again: Upon leaving the bathroom, prioritize hand hygiene once more. Thoroughly wash your hands to ensure you've removed any potential contaminants.
Step 10: Stay alert and follow lockdown instructions: Continue following the lockdown guidelines and instructions provided by authorities. Stay indoors, remain vigilant, and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and well-being.
Step 11: Report any concerns: If you notice anything suspicious or feel unsafe, report it to authorities immediately. Your prompt action could contribute to maintaining a secure environment during the lockdown.