If hospital got fire. what to do as staffs?
1. Alert and Evacuate:
- Sound the fire alarm: Activate the hospital's fire alarm system to alert everyone in the building.
- Evacuate: Staff should assist patients and visitors in evacuating the building immediately, following the designated evacuation routes. Use stairs instead of elevators, as elevators may stop working during a fire.
- Assist Vulnerable Patients: Staff responsible for patient care should prioritize the evacuation of immobile or vulnerable patients, ensuring they are accompanied by appropriate medical personnel.
2. Follow Emergency Protocols:
- Refer to Emergency Plan: Familiarity with the hospital's emergency plan is essential. Staff should follow the specific procedures outlined in the plan for their designated roles.
- Emergency Response Teams: Hospital staff trained in emergency response should form teams and coordinate their actions based on their assigned responsibilities.
3. Assist Patients and Visitors:
- Lead Evacuation: Staff should assist patients, visitors, and colleagues who may need help during the evacuation. This includes aiding people with disabilities, the elderly, children, and those who are disoriented.
- Provide Reassurance: Staff should remain calm and provide reassurance to patients, visitors, and coworkers during the stressful situation.
4. Accountability:
- Maintain Patient Lists: Nurses and relevant staff should keep patient lists and medical records handy during the evacuation. If possible, take necessary medical equipment with you.
- Headcounts: Once in the designated assembly area, staff should conduct headcounts to ensure everyone has been accounted for.
5. Stay Informed:
- Updates: Designated personnel should listen to hospital announcements or check emergency communication channels for updates and further instructions.
6. Fire Safety Measures:
- Use Fire Extinguishers: If the fire is small and contained, trained staff may attempt to extinguish it using the appropriate fire extinguisher. Only trained personnel should handle fire extinguishers.
- Fire Doors: Ensure that fire doors are closed properly to prevent the spread of smoke and fire.
7. Medical Emergency Response:
- Triaging: Medical personnel should triage patients outside the building, prioritizing those with life-threatening conditions.
- Emergency Care: Provide emergency care and treatment to patients who need it outside the hospital until further assistance arrives.
8. Communicate with External Agencies:
- Contact Fire Department: Notify the local fire department immediately if they have not already arrived. Provide them with the location and details of the fire.
- Ambulances: If necessary, call for additional medical assistance or transport through ambulances for patients who require specialized care.
9. Post-Fire Procedures:
- Patient Care: Once the fire is extinguished and it is safe to re-enter the building, medical staff should assess and care for patients who were unable to evacuate.
- Damage Assessment: Hospital staff should assess the extent of damage to the facility and take measures to secure and protect sensitive areas.
- Safety Checks: Ensure that all areas of the hospital are safe before allowing patients and staff to re-enter.
10. Support and Debriefing:
- Emotional Support: Hospital personnel may experience stress and anxiety after a fire. Provide support, counseling, and resources to help them manage their emotions.
- Debriefing: Conduct debriefing sessions to review the incident, identify areas for improvement, and commend staff for their efforts during the emergency.
Remember that fire safety training and drills are essential to prepare hospital staff for such emergencies and ensure a coordinated response.