Emergency Crash Cart Checklist
Crash Cart Top
First and foremost, a checklist with code blue sheets will be located on top of the cart. A defibrillator will also be on top of the cart, along with multifunction or stat pads, to be used in conjunction with the defibrillator. Finally, a receptacle for hazardous materials will be located on the top or side of the crash cart, along with oxygen and ambu-bags.
Top Drawer
The top drawer will contain a variety of medicines commonly used during life-saving situations, along with alcohol pads and topical oral anesthetic. These medicines will likely include but are not limited to dextrose, vasopressin, sodium bicarbonate, lidocaine, atropine sulfate, epinephrine, dopamine and sodium chloride.
Second Drawer
Items located in the second drawer include a blood pressure cuff, a CO2 detector, and adult intubation supplies such as endotracheal tubes, a laryngoscope handle, magil forceps, assorted laryngoscope blades, nasopharyngeal airways (NPAs) and oropharyngeal airways (OPAs).
Third and Fourth Drawers
The third and fourth drawers are where the pediatric supplies are located. The third drawer contains pediatric intubation supplies correlating with those used for adults. In addition, this drawer contains a blood pressure cuff, suction catheter kits, IV arm bands, butterflies, PIVs, securement system, protective dressing and spinal needles. The fourth drawer contains many of the medicines also kept for adults, in smaller doses, as well as infant feeding tubes, ECG electrodes and umbilical vessel catheters.
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Drawers
The fifth and sixth drawers on the crash cart will contain IV supplies such as IV catheters and supplies for drawing blood such as various sized syringes, lab specimen tubes, tape and tourniquets. The sixth drawer contains further IV supplies, including tubing, IV solutions and betadine. There will also be a central venous catheter kit. The seventh drawer contains miscellaneous supplies such as gloves, surgical sutures and adult and pediatric cutdown trays.