How to Request a MedEvac
Things You'll Need
- Radio or telephone
- Military map with coordinates or address or location of injury
- Military MedEvac form
Requesting a Military MedEvac
Gather the information required to communicate to the MedEvac dispatcher. This information includes the coordinates of the MedEvac pick up, the number of patients ranked by severity of injuries sustained, the patients' nationality and military status, the level of security at the pick up site, and any special equipment that is needed by the MedEvac team.
Call the radio frequency necessary to communicate with the MedEvac dispatcher. Effectively communicate the information in Step 1 to the MedEvac dispatcher.
While waiting for MedEvac pick up, keep radio communication open to dispatcher in case the situation should change. Report changes immediately.
Requesting a Civilian MedEvac
Obtain the information necessary to effectively report the need for MedEvac. This information includes the location of the injured person, the incident that caused the injury, the approximate age and gender of the person injured, and any other medical conditions the person may have.
Call 911 and report the injury. Provide the information in Step 1 to the 911 operator.
Answer any questions the operator may ask you. For instance, the operator may ask you if the injured person is breathing. This information helps the operators and dispatched EMTs effectively anticipate what type of MedEvac is required.
Wait for the MedEvac to arrive. With 911 calls within the United States, MedEvac is usually performed by an ambulance and a team of EMTs. While waiting for the MedEvac to arrive, the 911 operator may ask you to remain on the phone with him or her.