Texas EMS Protocols
EMS Pharmaceutical Storage
The EMS Pharmaceutical Storage and Maintenance Procedure requires all ambulances and emergency rooms to comply with all posted requirements of the drugs administered. These rules are posted by the drug manufacturer and can include things such as the temperature at which a drug must be stored and whether it can be exposed to light. In addition, the drugs must be checked daily to weed out any drugs that have expired. The quality management of the facility should have a policy in place to comply with checking the drug compliance factors on all drugs stocked.
Badge Procedure
It is part of EMS procedure to clearly display an identification badge. This badge should include the name of the provider, their certification, their license level, and the provider name--that is, the company with which the employee is affiliated. This procedure has been put in place to protect patients by allowing them to know what type of provider they are dealing with at all times. This also helps in reporting any wrongdoing; it therefore offers a sense of security to the patient.
Providing Patient Information
It is required that all EMS providers supply run sheets to the receiving facility. This includes all relevant patient-care information as soon as the patient is delivered to the facility. This procedure was put in place to ensure that pertinent patient information was not left out. As a medic gives a report it is possible for certain details to slip through the cracks; by providing a written record, the EMS provider has the opportunity to give more detail.
Outlying Areas
The procedure for outlying areas of Texas dictates yjay the closest EMS provider answer the call even if that provider is from out of state. This policy was put in place in order to ensure the fastest response time so as to provide better service to the patient. The responder will take the patient to the closest facility, be this within the state of Texas or outside the state.
AED Procedure
In 2002, Texas changed the procedure for utilizing an Automated External Defibrillator, the shocking device used to restart a person's heart. As long as a provider has received training, she is allowed to use the AED even without the direction of a doctor. Previously, the medic needed a direct order from a doctor in order to shock a patient while in transit.