Why finance is the life blood of industry?
Businesses need capital to start and grow. Finance provides the necessary funds for businesses to purchase assets, hire employees, and produce and market their products or services. Without finance, most businesses would not be able to operate.
2. Finance helps businesses manage their cash flow:
Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Finance helps businesses manage their cash flow by providing them with access to working capital. Working capital is the money that a business needs to meet its day-to-day operating expenses, such as wages, rent, and utilities. Without finance, businesses may not have the cash flow they need to keep operating.
3. Finance helps businesses expand and grow:
Businesses that are able to secure financing are more likely to expand and grow. This is because finance provides them with the resources they need to hire more employees, purchase new equipment, and open new locations. Without finance, businesses may not have the resources they need to grow.
4. Finance helps businesses manage risk:
All businesses face some degree of risk. Finance helps businesses manage risk by providing them with access to insurance and other financial instruments. Insurance can protect businesses from losses due to events such as fires, floods, and theft. Other financial instruments can help businesses hedge against fluctuations in interest rates, currency exchange rates, and commodity prices. Without finance, businesses would be more exposed to risk.
In conclusion, finance is the lifeblood of industry because it provides businesses with the capital, cash flow management, expansion and growth opportunities, and risk management tools they need to succeed. Without finance, most businesses would not be able to operate or grow.