How to Convert Ratio of MLS to Solution
Check the ratio of ml/ml in the solution and write it down. The ratio may be expressed as a fraction or a decimal. For example, if there are 40 ml of drug in 1000 ml of medication, then the ratio may be in the form 40 ml/1000 ml, or 0.04 ml/ml (40 divided by 1000).
Check whether the ratio is a fraction and if so, convert it to a decimal, using the calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator. Write down the answer, which should be less than one. If the ratio is already a decimal, leave it unchanged.
Multiply the decimal ratio by 100 to convert it to a percentage. The result is the ratio of ml/ml in the solution converted to a percentage solution. For example, if the decimal ratio is 0.04, then the solution is a 4 percent solution by volume, written as "4% (v/v)."
Check your answer, which should be a percentage value less than 100 percent. If the result is greater than 100 percent, there is an error in your calculation and you should repeat each step.