How to Write a Nomenclature Enclosure
Read through the letter, report or article that necessitates sending a nomenclature alongside it to understand the purpose of sending a nomenclature.
Confirm the domain within which to write the nomenclature with the report writer in order to ensure that you will be getting the right information for the nomenclature.
Collect information related to the domain from medical books, articles, reports and other taxonomies and dictionaries. Choose the information according to what the report demands, and organize the information into parent categories and subcategories using a spreadsheet program.
Define each term in the nomenclature in a unique way that has a universal meaning and yet is not ambiguous; offer synonyms and antonyms.
Program or arrange a way to search the nomenclature easily, such as through a "find" function or by making drop-down categories; work with a programmer to transfer the information on the spreadsheet into a nomenclature program as necessary.
Review the nomenclature enclosure for clarity and share with others who wrote the report or who are on a team that is doing work related to the information in the nomenclature. Make modifications as needed.
Attach the nomenclature enclosure the letter, report or article and send to the recipient; confirm to see if they have any questions.