How to Do a Critically Appraised Topic Chart
Create a question that needs an answer. The goal of your question is to improve patient treatment and well-being. The answer to this question will help medical professionals decide how to treat their patients. This question is the reason that you are doing the critically appraised topic chart.
Seek out data that answers your question. Find out what other professionals have decided on the topic. Peer-reviewed articles will contain the most reliable information.
Evaluate all the information that you have collected. You will find differing opinions among health care professionals. Be prepared to look critically at all the information. Pay particular attention to data that pertains to the question you want answered.
Create your critically appraised topic chart by recording your findings. Sum up your conclusion for ease of understanding. You may include a graph in your critically appraised topic chart to clarify certain points. Keep your chart one to two pages in length.
Present your critically appraised topic chart to your colleagues. You can perform private presentations at your hospital or office. You can also submit it to online databases. This allows easier access by health care professionals out of your region. A reliable critically appraised topic chart will attract the attention of others in your profession. Your careful analysis of a critical question can change the practice guidelines and lead to improvements in patient care delivery systems.