How to Make a Medical Storyboard
Things You'll Need
- Pencil
- Tape
- Package of standard sized paper
- Poster boards
- Thick, black marker
- Computer
- Printer
Writing a Medical Storyline
Determine the title of your presentation, making sure it relates to the hypothetical or actual medical event you are describing.
Write a storyline based on either a hypothetical or actual medical event that took place, depending on your assignment. To get started, include the basic fundamentals of storytelling: who, what, when, where and why. With this information, you should be able to begin developing the introduction, plot and conclusion. Be sure to develop the story in chronological order and take extra care to be clear about complicated medical terminology.
Separate your story into sections of scenes or events. These sections should contain only a few sentences each. While a basic storyboard has about 15-20 frames, your sections should be determined by the length of your storyline. Create a title for each section you separate.
Designing a Medical Storyboard on Paper
Sketch one scene per page, using a pencil. Skip this section if you would prefer to design your medical storyboard on the computer.
Write the scene's title at the top of the page and the few sentence description at the bottom of the page, according to the sections you separated earlier when writing your storyline.
Write the title of your medical storyboard at the top of the first poster board, using a thick, black marker.
Tape two to four scenes onto each side of the posterboard, depending on the size of the posterboard.
Designing a Medical Storyboard on the Computer
Open PowerPoint on your computer. Refer to section 2, if you'd like to create your medical storyboard on paper.
Create enough slides for the number of sections you created earlier when writing your storyline.
Add a slide that contains the title of your storyboard, your name and the date. You should also add an "Introduction" and "conclusion" slide. Type a few sentences on these slides describing the storyboard at the beginning and summarizing your story at the end.
Search for images, audio or video depicting your scenes online. Be aware of copyright laws, if you are not using this presentation for educational purposes.
Combine images, audio or video and the descriptions on each slide, making sure they are organized consistently (ex. all descriptions are on the bottom, and images at the top).