How to Use a Fracture Pan
Things You'll Need
- Fracture Pan
- Toilet Paper
- Disposable Gloves
- Peritoneal cleanser or soap
- Basin of warm water (if using soap)
- Washcloths
- Towels
Positioning the Fracture Pan
Gather all necessary toileting supplies, such as gloves, toilet paper and hygiene items. Place them near the bed.
Raise the bed to your waist height, if possible, to avoid unnecessary bending and back strain.
Put on disposable gloves.
Position the patient on her back and raise the head of the bed slightly, if not contraindicated by the patient's condition.
Support the patient's lower back with one hand, as she raises her hips, and slide the fracture pan under her buttocks with the slanted end facing the patient. If the patient is unable to raise her hips, assist her in rolling onto her side, while holding the bedpan against her buttocks with one hand. Assist the patient in rolling onto her back with the bedpan beneath her.
Allow patient privacy while toileting, if permitted by her condition. Remain close by in case the patient requires assistance.
Hygiene and Clean-up
Lower the head of the bed when the patient has finished toileting.
Assist the patient in rolling onto her side.
Remove the bedpan. Do not place the bedpan on a nightstand or bed table.
Clean the patient's buttocks thoroughly with toilet paper. Follow by cleaning the patient's buttocks with peritoneal cleanser and toilet paper or soap and a wet washcloth. If using soap, use another washcloth to rinse the areas thoroughly. Dry the patient's buttocks thoroughly with a clean towel.
Assist the patient in rolling onto her back and position her comfortably in bed.
Provide the patient with a clean, damp washcloth to clean her hands after toileting.
Empty the bedpan into the toilet and clean it using soap and water or disinfectant solution. Spray the room with air freshener, if necessary.
Ensure that the patient is comfortable and all her needs are met before leaving.