How to Write a Letter to Complain to the Doctor
Select a professional font for your letter, such as Arial or Tahoma in 11 point. Establish 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and sides of the page. Set up the letter in block style, with no indentions. Single-space between lines and double-space between paragraphs.
Write the return-address heading, which consists of your address (but not your name), followed by the date on the next line.
Write the name and title of the doctor to whom you are writing, followed by the name of the clinic or office and the address (in this example, semi-colons denote the end of a line): Cara Johnson, M.D.; Synergy Health Solutions; 6789 Oakmont Lane; Hinsdale IL 60521.
Patients tend to be quite loyal to their doctors. Write the salutation: "Dear Dr. Johnson" followed by a comma. (Do not write the quote marks.)
Devote the first paragraph to the purpose of your complaint, being specific and direct. Strive for a firm but polite if not diplomatic tone: "As you know, I have been a loyal patient of yours for seven years. Three months ago, you placed me on a nutrition and diet program that you assured me would help me lose at least one pound a day. In fact, I have lost only 15 pounds in this time period -- far from the 90 pounds I was assured that I would shed."
Refer in the second paragraph to any supporting information, such as receipts for the program, records of how much you weighed at the outset of the program, how you faithfully followed the "doctor's orders" and how much the nutrition and diet program has cost you in out-of-pocket expenses. If you had placed any calls for help to the doctor in the interim, remind the doctor of these calls.
Lodge an emotional appeal to the doctor that suits your complaint in the third paragraph. In this case, you might say that you know of other patients who enjoyed great success with the program but that it has failed to provide the results you had been promised. Be sure to underscore how the failure of the program has contributed to and/or exacerbated your physical condition or has failed to improve it.
Write a closing paragraph that expresses how you wish for your complaint to be rectified. Be reasonable but firm and don't be afraid to let your feelings be known: "Although I am bitterly disappointed in this program, I do not expect you to compensate me for my wasted time and energies. However, I do expect a full refund for the cost of the program, $XXX.XX." Be clear as to how you will proceed: "Please advise your office manager that I will be calling her in the next few days to set up a time to pick up my refund. Should you have any questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (your phone number). I thank you in advance for your interest in resolving this matter to my satisfaction."
Write a closing, such as: "Sincerely yours" or "Sincerely." Space four times.
Supporting documents will help fortify your complaint. Type your name. In the space underneath, write "Enclosures" if you are submitting supporting documents. Sign your name in the space between the closing and your typed name.
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