How to Identify a Pharmacy By Store Number
Due to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, each pharmacy, health care organization and health provider is required to have National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. The NPI is entered into a database registry and can be accessed by anyone with the NPI number. This 10-digit number, also used as the store number by many pharmacies, tracks the provider's location and information and is generally found on medical billing documentation.Things You'll Need
- NPI number
Look up the pharmacy's NPI number or call the store to request it. If you have a medical billing document from the pharmacy, the NPI should be printed on the receipt.
Conduct a NPI registry search by visiting the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System or the HME Data website.
Type in the 10-digit NPI number into the field box provided and press the "Search" button. Information about the pharmacy's address and the provider's first and last name. If the message "No Matching Records Found" appears, go back and make sure you have entered the NPI number correctly.