How to Convert UPC to Ndc
Locate the box or label of a drug with the Universal Product Code. Find the Universal Product Code on the product. This is next to the bar code.
Look for the NDC next to the UPC. If there is a separate National Drug Code, look for the letters NDC followed by an 11- to 14-digit unique identifier. If the NDC is separate from the UPC, use the NDC identifier.
Count how many digits the UPC has if the package only has a UPC. If the UPC is 12 digits, then the UPC for a prescription is the number "3" followed by the NDC. Drop the first number 3 to convert the UPC to the NDC. For a UPC 3-12345-6789-10, dropping the initial "3" reveals the NDC of 12345-6789-10. For 14-digit UPCs, drop the "0 03" to convert the UPC to the NDC. The 14-digit UPC is simply two zeros and a 3 in front of the NDC. For example, the 14-digit UPC of 0 03 12345 67891 0, after dropping the 0 03, reveals the NDC 12345-6789-10.