Handwashing Techniques in a Dental Office
When Should Hands Be Washed?
As a dentist, hands are to be washed before taking care of the patient and immediately after treatment is completed. Hands are always to be washed before gloves are put on, and after gloves are removed. If any dental equipment tainted with saliva or blood is touched without the use of gloves, hands are to be properly washed. If at any time during an oral procedure gloves are punctured or torn, dentists and dental assistants are to instantly wash hands.
Proper Hand-washing Technique
According to "Harvard Health Publications," hands washed with soap and water are to be washed for a minimum of 15 seconds. This technique ensures that 90 percent of bacteria are removed from the hands. Regardless if plain soap or antibacterial soap is used, the proper procedure is to cover hands with cleaner, wash the backs of the hands, scrub the fingertips and fingernails, clean the thumbs and wash between each finger.
Hand-washing Categories
There are different categories for washing hands in a dental office setting. The standard 15-second hand wash is when plain soap is used to remove dirt from the surface of the hands and fingers. An antiseptic hand wash uses water and an antimicrobial soap to destroy transient microorganisms on the hands and fingers. Like the standard hand wash, an antiseptic hand wash is to commence for a minimum of 15 seconds. Similar to the antiseptic hand wash, an antiseptic hand rub is used to remove transient microorganisms on the hands and fingers, but it is to be used with an alcohol-based solution. Hands are to be continuously rubbed until dry. For oral surgeries, water and an antimicrobial soap is to be used to wash the hands, fingers and forearms for a duration of 2 to 6 minutes to destroy all bacteria and microorganisms.
Properly Store Hand-washing Materials
Plain soap and products containing antiseptics become polluted if they are not kept in a tightly closed container. Dispense products from a container that is able to be thrown away after use. If a container is re-used, it is to be thoroughly washed and dried before being refilled. Soaps that have been contaminated reverse the advantages of proper hand-washing and disinfection.