How Can I Obtain a Copy of My Military Medical Records?
Things You'll Need
- Social Security Number
- Form SF-180
- Exact dates of service
Internet Options
Make sure that you have all required information available. In order to request your military medical records you will need the following information:
Your complete name used while in service
Your service number or social security number
Branch of service
Dates of service
Your date and place of birth may also be helpful, especially if the service number is not known
If the request pertains to a record that may have been involved in the 1973 fire, also include: Place of discharge
Last unit of assignment
Place of entry into the service, if known.
If you are requesting inpatient medical records from a period of hospitilization, you must know the exact hospital and the year of hospitalization.
Visit the National Archives website at to begin your request for your military medical records. This page will give you the option to start your online request for your medical or personnel records or download form SF-180 to mail or fax your request. There are snail mail options explained below if you do not have internet access.
Click the link that says "Launch the EVetRecs System To Start Your Request Online."
Follow the on-screen instructions filling in all requested information to complete your online request.
Mail/Fax Options
Prepare the follwing information to be included in your written request for your military medical records:
Your complete name used while in service
Your service number or social security number
Branch of service
Dates of service
Your date and place of birth may also be helpful, especially if the service number is not known
If the request pertains to a record that may have been involved in the 1973 fire, also include: Place of discharge
Last unit of assignment
Place of entry into the service, if known.
If you have internet acces, download, print and fill out form SF-180 from the Nationa Archives website at to mail or fax your request to the address or fax number below.
Mail your written request with all of the required information to:
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
You may also fax your written request to 314-801-9195.
You may also visit the National Personell Records Center in person or call 1-800-827-1000 to request your service records.