The Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue typically occurs in people who have a strong identification with the suffering, trauma, helpless feelings or needs of people or animals, and who generally place other people's needs and feelings ahead of their own. First-hand knowledge of the pain and suffering of the weak and feeble combined with a perceived impossibility of affecting positive change in society, can result in negative attitudes and a gradual lack of caring and compassion.
Compassion fatigue has several symptoms. A person might isolate themselves from others, excessively voice complaints, appear sad and apathetic, display poor hygiene, have difficulty concentrating, become preoccupied and bottle up their emotions. A person suffering from compassion fatigue may also participate in compulsive behaviors such as overeating and spending, substance abuse, promiscuity and excessive gambling. These symptoms of compassion fatigue may lead to more serious problems such as indebtedness, legal problems, chronic physical ailments including reoccurring colds and gastrointestinal problems, flashbacks to traumatic events and reoccurring nightmares.
Awareness is important when dealing with compassion fatigue. Heightened awareness often leads to insight into painful situations or past traumas that are relevant to a person's current actions and behaviors. Oftentimes, people are not fully aware of the effect their work conditions or home life has on them emotionally. In some cases, becoming aware of behaviors in a person's surrounding conditions may lead a person to recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue early on and prevent the condition. Awareness is also the first step to wellness for a person suffering with compassion fatigue.
Healing from compassion fatigue begins by practicing authentic self-care, finding support and obtaining information. Those who suffer from the condition may implement practices such as healthy eating habits, regular exercise, writing in a journal, healthy sleeping habits and participating in enjoyable social activities. Authentic self-care is sustainable by putting few techniques into place. Establish personal boundaries in regards to getting involved with people who are suffering, learn to express feelings and needs verbally with loved ones, make a positive change to a negative environment and enhance awareness with education.