Medical Exam Tools
A scale measures how much a person weighs. A medical scale is the most basic tool used during a physical exam. Scales can range from a simple sliding manual scale to a high-tech digital version. Some electronic versions are even able to provide a patient's body mass index. Weight is noted in the medical chart regardless of the reason for the medical visit. Generally, weight is recorded by a nurse or medical assistant prior to entering the exam room.
Otoscopes are used to examine the ears. An otoscope is a small, hand-held, lighted instrument used to examine the ears. It allows nurses and doctors to see into the ear canal, tubes of the ears and eardrum. The light and magnification power of the instrument allow things to be noticed that cannot be seen with the naked eye. An ear speculum, a cone-shaped attachment, is used to see in the small opening of the ear. Speculums are disposable and changed with each new patient. Otoscopes may also be used to look at the eyes, throat or nasal cavity.
A stethoscope has several different diagnostic functions. A stethoscope allows doctors and nurses to listen to blood pressure, heartbeat and breathing sounds. This is an important diagnostic tool that allows medical professionals to quickly identify any abnormalities in the organs associated with these measurements. The stethoscope has two sides that can be placed against the body to listen to organ function. The larger side is used to listen to the cardiovascular system, and the smaller side is used for the respiratory system.
A thermometer checks a patient's temperature. Temperature is usually measured during a physical examination. This is done with a thermometer. The specific type of thermometer used may vary between medical practices or according to the specific patient. Thermometers are generally digital and produce very quick results. Thermometers may be placed under the tongue, in an ear or under an armpit.
Sphygmomanometers are used to check blood pressure. A sphygmomanometer is used to measure blood pressure. Traditional manual versions and advanced digital versions are used to obtain this measurement. A cuff is placed on the patient's right arm when using either version. Manual blood pressure measurements also require the use of a stethoscope. The stethoscope is placed on the arm near the cuff, where the health care staff can hear a pulse. Digital versions perform the same general function without the need of a stethoscope and often measure pulse rate, as well.