How to Apply Dermabond

Dermabond is a liquid adhesive that is applied to surface wounds that would normally be sewn together. Areas where it can be used include wounds without stretched skin, areas that are hair-free and the face, except for around the eyes. Dermabond comes in single-use applicators to ensure a sterile product every time. Ask your doctor about using Dermabond for an incision scar if you're going to have surgery.


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      Talk to your doctor about the possibilities of using Dermabond rather than having a wound stitched. If you have the option, your doctor may be able to use Dermabond on your wound.

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      Sit still while your doctor cleans your wound.

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      Watch as your doctor applies latex gloves and twists the Dermabond applicator to crack open the product vial. He should then line up the hash marks on the twist collar and applicator. The Dermabond applicator should now be inverted as your doctor will push the black button to start the flow of adhesive and saturate the tip.

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      Sit still as your doctor pushed your wound together, so that it will heal properly. He will then press the black button of the Dermabond applicator and apply a thin layer over the wound.

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      Wait about 30 seconds until your doctor applies another thin and final layer to the wound. Wait for the

      Dermabond to completely dry over your wound. It should take about three minutes.

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