How to Donate Plasma in Marquette, Michigan
Things You'll Need
- Identification showing your photo, date of birth and signature
- Social Security number
- Proof of current address within the donor recruitment area -- a Marquette address is acceptable.
- Good health the day of your donation
Donate plasma in Marquette, Michigan
Determine your eligibility. If you are in good health, it is likely that you are eligible to donate plasma. BioLife has a health-screening process that will determine of your eligibility.
Schedule an appointment by calling 906-226-9080, or register and create a profile at BioLife's website ( to schedule an appointment online.
Go to 175 Hawley St. Marquette, Michigan, on the day of your first appointment at the scheduled time. You must pass a medical examination and a medical history survey.
Donate plasma after passing your physical and medical history survey. On average the first visit takes about two hours.