How to Look After the Elderly and Disabled in Their Own Homes

Taking care of the elderly and the disabled in their own homes allows them to stay in a familiar and comfortable setting and not have to go to an assisted living facility or nursing home. The cost of taking care of someone at home varies, depending on the individual's needs and circumstances. Home care can be performed by agencies, private duty assistants, or family members, depending on the level of care needed.


    • 1

      Assess the individual's home to ensure the person is safe to stay in the home. Pick up any obstacles in doorways, hallways, and living areas, and arrange the living area so that everything is accessible to the individual. Create emergency evacuation plans and emergency readiness kits to keep in the home so the individual has access to supplies that might be needed in an emergency. Arrange for handicapped modifications to be installed in the home by professional contractors as needed.

    • 2

      Assign a team of people to rotate taking care of the individual. This team can be made up of family members or personal care assistants. The team will be responsible for ensuring that the individual is bathed, dressed, and has proper meals. Create a list of medications the individual takes, and have the caretaker report to family members or doctors when the medication needs to be replaced.

    • 3

      Assign someone to complete the individual's errands and daily tasks. Allow the person to do as much as possible on his own, then assist as necessary. Transport the individual to medical appointments and community commitments as needed, or offer to go along for the ride if the person is capable of transporting himself.

    • 4

      Report medical information to doctors, nurses, and family members as the information comes up. Care for the individual by giving her any medication needed, and write down any side effects she might have. Discuss how the medication makes the individual feel to see if there are any side effects her doctors might not be aware of.

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