CPR Courses near Alliston, ON
Vital CPR
Vital CPR has a few locations in the greater Toronto area, and offers classes to individuals and groups of people in the private sector as well as health-care professionals. There are a variety of classes to choose from, including a free CPR workshop. This workshop is an introduction and demonstration of CPR only. The company also offers training and certification for automatic emergency defibrillators (AED) usage. As an added benefit to clients, the company will do on-site training for larger groups. Vital CPR is authorized to issue the Canadian Red Cross certification card, which is valid for three years.
First Aid 4U
First Aid 4U offers a variety of CPR and first aid courses throughout Ontario. Courses range from babysitting first aid to certifying emergency workers. The company is an Authorized Provider of Red Cross first aid and CPR training. Courses offered by First Aid 4U also meet the regulations of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). They will also teach on-site if the client desires. The philosophy at First Aid 4U is to make learning first aid and CPR enjoyable and interesting, in the hopes of training more people to help save lives.
St. Johns Ambulance
St. Johns Ambulance has a history of more than 125 years in training people to help save lives. This organization offers courses that range from basic CPR skills to professionals who have to meet strict CPR requirements. It offers classes designed for those who either have or are expecting children. This gives parents and caregivers a bit more peace of mind when it comes to taking care of infants and children on a daily basis. St. Johns teaches in both public and private formats, renews certificates and is WSIB compliant.
ABC First Response
Focusing primarily on businesses and organizations in the Toronto area, ABC First Response travels to individual locations. It tailors courses to fit the client's needs, ensuring the greatest convenience for students. An added benefit of on-site training is that people are learning in the environment where they might be called upon to use that knowledge. All the courses taught by ABC First Response are WSIB approved and certified by the Lifesaving Society. The company also offers re-certification programs.