Wetland Projects for School
Plant and Animal Species
A wetlands project provides an opportunity to teach your students about the beauty and importance of wildlife found in these habitats. Wetlands are home to a plethora of animal and plant species not found elsewhere. Each student could research and report on an assigned species. Another option: Have students work in pairs and present information to the class about one animal and one plant species native to a wetlands area.
Wetlands Water Filters
Wetlands act as natural filters, cleaning debris and sediment from water before it flows into rivers, streams and seas. Students can do a class project showing how wetland habitats filter water. A sponge placed inside a plastic container could represent a wetlands area. Sand, dirt or pepper mixed water could represent debris. Pour the "dirty" water on one side of the sponge and let it flow through, removing debris as wetlands filtration does. If students remove a section of the sponge, some debris will leech through, demonstrating what happens without the wetlands safeguard.
Flood Control
Flood control is another important function of nature's wetlands. Students can use a simple project that tests how various materials absorb water, including soil, clay, sand and sphagnum moss. Pour the same amount of water over each of the test materials in identical, nonporous containers. Moss is an absorbent material often found in wetland habitats. An equal amount of moss compared with the other materials should show the capacity of a wetland to absorb excess water during seasons of potential floods.
Delicate Balance
Wetlands are an ecosystem that survives as a delicate balance between flora and fauna. Plant and animal species, prey and predator, all live together in an intricate food web. Students can observe a wetland ecosystem using a small aquarium covered with netting. A two-inch layer of pebbles and soil provide the base; fill the tank three-quarters full with water collected from a marsh or pond. Add aquatic insects, small frogs, small fish and snails, also from the marsh or pond. This is a temporary home for these creatures. Return all the plants and animals to their natural habitats after a few days of observation.