How to Dispose of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products
Things You'll Need
- Kitty litter
- Used coffee grounds
- Sealable bags
- Permanent black marker
Take out all the drugs that you don't need anymore from their original containers and mix them into kitty litter. An alternative to doing this is to mix all the pills or capsules with used coffee grounds. This ensures that the drugs won't be used again for the wrong reasons by someone foraging through your trash.
Place the kitty litter or coffee grounds mixture into a sealable bag and throw the bag out with the household trash.
Take all the containers or boxes that the drugs came in and black out anything identifying, including your name and address or the name of the drugs, with the permanent black marker.
Tear up the boxes if possible. If these are solid containers, leave them as they are. Then put everything in another sealable bag and throw it away with the household trash.