MedNet Information
MedNet Knowledgebase
The MedNet knowledgebase consists of a multiplicity of videos depicting various medical procedures, interactive procedure animations, webcasts, articles and newsletters. This information is located on the MedNet Technologies website.
MedNet Sites
There is no one particular MedNet network. As of 2011, there are several sites founded upon the MedNet name. Some MedNet sites are more health care and customer focused than science and medicine per se. R.M. Mednet Information Technologies, for example, helps its clients to achieve overall business goals by providing them with custom software and applications. This support enables the clients to have easier interaction with employees, customers and vendors.
MedNet Services
WebNet Technologies offers an array of special services such as Web design, Web management, webinar development and visibility services. It has a broad portfolio, which includes different areas of medicine: dermatology, gynecology, opthalmology as well as others.
MedNet Interpersonal Networking
MedNet hosts yearly conventions and medical and dental meetings throughout the United States. According to MedNet Technologies, these meetings and conventions afford companies the opportunity to connect with prospective clientele and reconnect with existing clients, for discussion of their informational needs. For those unable to physically attend particular meetings or conferences, webinars are also offered for their convenience. MedNet's senior management, along with other expert consultants, attend many of the events. This type of interpersonal networking further sets MedNet apart from other informational systems.