How to Find a Gastroenterologist in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Research gastroenterologists on the internet. By typing in "gastroenterologist, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina" in a search engine such as Google, you will be provided with a list of doctors in the area. This option is a good start to gather names of physicians and to inquire of your insurance company and general practitioner about the reliability and credibility of the physician.
Speak to your general practitioner or family doctor in order to obtain a referral to a gastroenterologist in Myrtle Beach. If they do not know of a specific doctor offhand, request they speak to one of their peers or conduct research for you. The general practitioner may refer you to speak to their front office staff to obtain the referral. This, along with contacting your insurance company, are your most reliable options for finding a gastroenterologist in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Call your insurance company if you are insured; you will need to call the number on the back of your identification card. Follow the phone prompts to speak to a representative. If you have an HMO or POS policy, you will be required to see a doctor that is within your network. PPO plans strongly encourage their members to see a network provider, but it is not required. Tell the representative that you are looking for a gastroenterologist in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (Zip code 29572). Be specific and tell them you only want a gastroenterologist in your town, not within the surrounding area. Be prepared to write down names, addresses and phone numbers of doctors.