How to Activate a Rite Aid Wellness Card
Sign up to receive a Rite Aid wellness+ card if you do not already have one. This can be done in-store or online.
Visit the Rite Aid Pharmacy website and click on the "wellness+" link, found under the "In Our Stores" header on the left sidebar.
Click "Get Started Now," and choose "Register Today" on the next page.
Enter the requested information, and decide on a username and password to associate with your wellness+ account. Select any relevant interests, then click "I Agree."
Enter the card number located on the back of your wellness+ card and enter it on the next page. Enter your address, phone number and all other requested information in the form on this page and then click "Enroll in wellness+" at the bottom of the page.
Go to the wellness+ dashboard to ensure that your login information works and to track any rewards or points you have accumulated through the program. At this point your card should be activated and ready for use at any Rite Aid Pharmacy.