What Are the Specific Purposes of Nursing Research?
Patient Care
Through qualitative assessment of the interactions between medical staff and patients, researchers can profoundly analyze experiences and understand the basis of failings or successes. Quantitative evaluation, on the other hand, accumulates empirical data that are useful in establishing trends and hypothesizing. Both approaches contribute to formulating informative and effective policy and procedure, around patient care. Additionally, research into medical staff's work pressures, schedules and obligations can be used to promote job satisfaction and encourage staff retention.
Theory and Knowledge
Nursing research is necessary in building a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge base. Findings help to contextualize and establish practical approaches to implement theory. It also facilitates theoretical progress by raising questions regarding function, role and responsibility of nursing. Theory is essential in framing nursing practices. In 1937, Virginia Henderson pioneered the concept of patient-centered, holistic care, which continues to inform health care across the world.
Education and Training
Nursing research is useful in validating the nature and delivery of medical staff training. Findings on good practice and limitations is a cost-effective approach to developing tailored programs, which enrich health care professionals with skills and the knowledge necessary to offer medical treatment. This also contributes to increased education among patients and families, who often rely on nurses as an essential point of contact. Nursing theory and research has established nursing as an educational field, independent of medicine, opening the door to a variety of professions, such as a nursing researcher.
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