ID Protocol
Identification Bracelets
Identification bracelets are used as a way to communicate patient information to health care providers in hospitals. Each patient will receive an ID bracelet at the time of registration. Information including the patient's name, date of birth and age may be included on the ID bracelet. They can be placed around a patient's wrist or ankle.
How to Identify a Patient
A patient can be identified by their hospital identification bracelet once registered. Health care professionals will ask the patient's name and then check his identification bracelet. Patients who suffer from confusion may not remember their name or give an incorrect answer. Looking at the bracelet will provide proper identification that helps ensure the patient's safety.
When to Identify a Patient
Each patient must provide proper identification upon registration. This can be done by showing a driver's license or photo id. Parents or legal guardians will register minors. Patients from nursing facilities will have paperwork from the facility providing their identification and information. A health care provider must identify the patient prior to providing services. Services include providing treatment and the administration of medication.