Mediport Flush Protocol
Mediports are usually implanted in the patient's chest. A small bump can be felt under the skin. This bump is the access into which the needle is inserted. Tubing can be attached to the port. A mediport can remain in place for long-term use if cared for properly.
Different types of solution can be used to flush a mediport. Flushing the mediport is necessary to keep the device open and usable. They can be flushed with normal saline or heparin. Heparin is an anti-clotting medication. The flushing solution is drawn into a syringe and injected into the port. Typically, normal saline is flushed through the port followed by heparin. A health care provider such as a physician will determine the amount and type of flushing solution.
A physician will determine how often the mediport is to be flushed, typically, after every use. Those not used on a regular basis should be flushed every four weeks to maintain the port's ability to be accessed. Patients and family members can be trained by a medical professional on how to flush a mediport.